World Book Day

kayanya bulan ini banyak banget yah, kejadian ataupun event yang menarik dan fenomenal. seakan dunia sedang berseru buat kita (aaaaaa, apa maksudnyaaaaa -_-), mulai dari konser-konser keren beken yang dateng ke Indonesia -Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, Maroon 5 (eh, iyagasih?), ampe Kitaro (akh, yang ini gua pengen)-, bermunculan artis baru sekelas Briptu Norman, Ujian Nasional, iCare (yeaaaaah,), pernikahan pangerang Williamn dan Kate Middleston (bener ga sih tulisannya), haaahaaaay, pokoknya banyak dah. termasuk perayaan nasional maupun internasional, kaya Kartini, Earth Day, dan World Book Day

seperti biasa gue membuka tweetdeck dan ada twit dari Sitta Karina (@sittakarina) tentang World Book Day. dan gue pun mencarinyaaaa..

About World Book Day

World Book Day was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe. The origins of the day we now celebrate in the UK and Ireland come from Catalonia, where roses and books were given as gifts to loved ones on St. George’s Day – a tradition started over 90 years ago. For international information about World Book Day, please click here.
World Book Day 2011 in the UK and Ireland will take place on Thursday 3rd March. Please note that this date applies to the UK and Ireland only. The initiative is so well established in schools here that we want to make sure that the Day happens in term time to really make the most of this opportunity to celebrate books and reading. Most other countries hold World Book Day on 23rd April every year.
World Book Day is a partnership of publishers, booksellers and interested parties who work together to promote books and reading for the personal enrichment and enjoyment of all.
A main aim of World Book Day in the UK and Ireland is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own. To support this aim, a Schools’ Pack full of ideas and activities, display material and more information about how to get involved in World Book Day will be mailed to schools (including those secondary schools that have specially registered to participate) from mid-January 2011. Most of the traditional pack material will migrate online in 2011 – please register to access the new World Book Day Portal, which will be ready for use in January 2011. Registered pre-schools will also receive material around the same time. In the Events section you can see the range of activities and events organised by thousands of people around the country, many of which you can attend. Over the years our activity has been extended to cover both avid and emergent adult readers. Quick Reads are great stories from great writers and are great entertainment.

more information
however, I love Books soooo much >.< pasti temen-temen gue, apalagi yang sekamar dan pernah sekamar juga yang sekelas tau, kegilaan gue akan buku. *sebeenrnya ga segitunya juga sih* tapi kalo udah sekalinya gue keasikan baca buku, gue sekakan punya dunia sendiri, hahahahaha. apalagi kalo udah baca novel, dengerin musik sambil tiduran di kasur, huaaaaaa, nikmat :D
sering dengerkan kalo membaca itu jendela dunia. ato yang paling sering juga kita denger tentang firman Allah yang pertama turun itu "iqro" atau "bacalah" ? yaaa, gue gausah dam gamau ngebahas esensi dari membaca itu sendiri karena gue yakin semuanya pasti udah sering banget diceramahin kaya gitu. jadi geu cuma menyarankan. rajinlah membaca :D


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